english introduction

What is the Sächsisch-Thüringische Apothekerversorgung (Saxon-Thuringian Pharmacists' Pension Fund)?

The Saxon-Thuringian Pharmacists' Pension Fund is – as a professional pension insurance carrier – a facility of the Saxon State Chamber of Pharmacists and the Thuringian State Chamber of Pharmacists.

Our main task is the provision of dependable and future-oriented old-age pension, occupational invalidity and survivor’s benefits to our members.

  • We are the first pillar of the basic pension system and ensure secure old-age provision.
  • We provide information in a reliable and competent manner and advise you on questions regarding payment of contributions and the drawing of benefits.

Providing personal support to our members is of the utmost important to us with:

  • a consistent, assigned contact person and time for individual consultations,
  • prompt responses and
  • high quality service and standards.

Who becomes a member of the Saxon-Thuringian Pharmacists' Pension Fund?

A mandatory member of the Saxon-Thuringian Pharmacists' Pension Fund is anybody who is a member of the Saxon State Chamber of Pharmacists or the Thuringian State Chamber of Pharmacists, if they have not reached the age of 67 at the time of entry into the membership or if they are not incapable of working when entering as a new member.

Employed dispensing chemists are subject to participation in the Saxon-Thuringian Pharmacists' Pension Fund irrespective of the obligation to be insured in the statutory retirement pension plan. Membership in the Saxon-Thuringian Pharmacists' Pension Fund entitles you to be granted exemption from the statutory retirement pension plan according to § 6 Para. 1 No. 1 SGB [German Social Code] VI. Exemption becomes effective from the start of your employment if the application is submitted within 3 months of taking up your employment. For each change of employment, a new application for exemption needs to be made. We recommend your timely registration to avoid disadvantages incurred by missed deadlines.

The group of people to whom mandatory insurance applies also includes the self-employed in the pharmaceutical field working in their own pharmacy and those who work on a fee basis.

How high are the contributions?

Employed dispensing chemists who are exempted from the statutory retirement pension plan due to participation in the Saxon-Thuringian Pharmacists' Pension Fund pay pension contributions in the amount of the statutory retirement pension contributions. The employer is legally obliged to pay half of the contribution amount to the pension scheme.

Employed dispensing chemists who are not exempted from the statutory retirement pension plan have to pay – in addition to the statutory retirement pension contributions – pension contributions to the Saxon-Thuringian Pharmacists' Pension Fund to the amount of 1/8 of the maximum contribution rate of the statutory retirement pension. To avoid this double burden, we recommend that you apply without delay for exemption from the statutory retirement pension plan via the Saxon-Thuringian Pharmacists' Pension Fund.

Self-employed dispensing chemists are also obliged to pay pension contributions. In principle, the highest compulsory contribution (1.0-fold of the general pension contribution) has to be paid, corresponding to the maximum contribution of the statutory retirement pension. Upon written application, a reduction in fees may be granted. This must be supported by appropriate evidence.


What benefits can you expect as a member?

Old-age pension: It commences after reaching 67 years of age. The start of the pension can also be brought forward by up to 60 months, with fixed monthly deductions. The start of the pension can be brought forward with fixed monthly deductions (§ 31 STApV Statutes), at the earliest to the age of 62.

Survivors’ pension: The widow's or widower's pension amounts to 60 % of the existing or notional pension entitlement at the time of death. The full orphan's pension shall amount to one third and the half-orphan's pension to one fifth of the existing or fictitious entitlement to a pension at the time of death (§ 36 para. 3 STApV Statutes).

Pension for occupational invalidity Occupational disability pension is granted upon occurrence of a qualifying event, provided that at least one contribution has been paid at that time. Contribution periods previously completed in another pension scheme are taken into account. However, the requirements for admission to the occupational disability pension are only met if the pharmaceutical profession can no longer be exercised completely. There is no occupational disability protection for the last pharmaceutical occupation exercised, but an occupation within the entire spectrum of pharmaceutical activities is reasonable. On the other hand, there is no referral to activities outside the profession. If this protection does not go far enough for you, you should consider taking out private occupational disability insurance.

Upon application, financial assistance for medical rehabilitation measures can be granted if curative treatment is required to prevent occupational invalidity.


When does the membership end?

The membership obligation ends upon appointment as a civil servant or soldier; upon transfer of professional activity to another association; or, upon leaving the Saxon State Chamber of Pharmacists and the Thuringian State Chamber of Pharmacists.


How can I become a member?

Once you register as a member with the Saxon State Chamber of Pharmacists and the Thuringian State Chamber of Pharmacists, the Saxon-Thuringian Pharmacists' Pension Fund will receive a notification. Alternatively, please contact us directly to request the necessary documents for membership of the Saxon-Thuringian Pharmacists' Pension Fund.


I still have questions.

The specific regulations regarding the law on contribution and benefits can be found in the statutes of the Saxon-Thuringian Pharmacists' Pension Fund.

You can also contact us directly: membership-management@slak.de.

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